2010年8月19日 星期四

資訊產業代工模式 - Some abbreviation of computing industrial

OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturing, current this model is less popular

ODM - Original Design Manufacturing, this model is work popolary, especially for the vendors in Taiwan

EMS - Electronics Manufacturing Service, Large scale information manufacturing, it was popoular and important in the recent decades.

CMMS - JDVM, Component Module Move Service - Join DeVelopment Manufacture. This is proposed by the Foxconn Technologies.

CMMS - JDSM, Component Module Move Service - Join DeSign Manufacture. This is proposed by the Foxconn Technologies.

什麼是電子專業代工(electronic manufacturing service, EMS或contract electronic manufacturing, CEM)

2010年報導 - 目前全球EMS產業營收第一名為鴻海(Foxconn), 第二名則為偉創力(Flextronics), 參考下列報導資訊

精實新聞 2010-07-28 15:45:32 記者 郭妍希 報導
科技市調機構iSuppli 27日發表研究報告指出,拜大客戶蘋果(Apple Inc.)營運快速成長之賜,2011年電子製造服務(EMS)大廠富士康(Foxconn Technology Group)營收佔整體EMS產業的比重料將超過50%,高於2009年的44.2%。

根據iSuppli調查,2010年第1季鴻海(2317)營收年增54.1%(季減19.7%)至171.47億美元,居全球EMS業者之冠,遠高於第2名偉創力(Flextronics International Ltd.)的59.4億美元。此外,鴻海Q1營收年增率也遠優於前10大EMS廠商的營收平均年增率27.5%。

Information from http://www.emsnow.com/spps/sitepage.cfm?catid=84
EMS ranking 2007
1. Foxconn
2. Flextronics
3. Jabil
4. Sanmina-SCI
5. Celestica

ODM ranking 2007
1. Quanta
2. Asustek
3. Compal
4. Wistron
5. TPV
