2010年11月22日 星期一

ipconfig - windows dos network tool

Show the current ip settings in details

We can release the ip settings by the following command

refresh the ip setting (request the DHCP settings)

2010年11月11日 星期四

2010年11月9日 星期二

Internet Explorer features

Internet Explorer version 8 advanced features
My favorite link - ctrl+shift+I
The digest (RSS) - ctrl+shift+J
History Record - ctrl+shift+H

2010年11月7日 星期日


1. 鏡頭(德國的比較好?)光學的人性化
2. 角度人性化(人眼40度), 不用到60度
3. 操作的穩定性(防手震)

2010年11月3日 星期三


link from

【英語教室】17. 被動式
在【英語教學】第一單元即談到英文最基本的概念:一個完整的句子,必有一個主詞 (Subject),一個動詞 (Verb),如:

1) I am a student.
2) Mary has a cat.

這類的句型,稱為主動式(Active Voice)。然而,在做動作的主詞不重要、受詞較重要的情況下,我們可用受詞當主詞,稱為被動式(Passive Voice),如:我的車子被偷了 My car was stolen. 誰偷了車,不確定,但車子被偷是確定且重要的。被動式句型:

主詞 + be 動詞 + 過去分詞(p.p) (+by 受詞,因做動作的人不重要,可省略)

其中,原意中必須要有受詞,才能有被動式的形式,因此上面的例句 1) I am a student. 並無受詞,所以無法產生被動式,而 2) Mary has a cat. 主詞為 Mary,受詞為 cat,便可改成被動式 A cat is had by Mary.


主動式:I have a cat. <--- 主詞為 I, 受詞為 cat
被動式:A cat is had by me. <--- 主詞變成 cat,受詞為原先的 I

在被動式的句型中,Be 動詞隨著時態而變化,這也是最讓人搞不懂的一環,但閱讀下例即可得知很明確的說明。

現在式:He eats an apple. ---> An apple is eaten by him.
過去式:He ate an apple. ---> An apple was eaten by him.
未來式:He will eat an apple. ---> An apple will be eaten by him.
現在進行式:He is eating an apple. ---> An apple is being eaten by him.
過去進行式:He was eating an apple. ---> An apple was being eaten by him.
現在完成式:He has eaten an apple. ---> An apple has been eaten by him.


【練習一】Please transform the sentences into Passive Voice.
1. I sold the car last week.
2. My sister sent a gift to me last month.
3. Cathy wrote five novels.
4. I love my cat.
5. Peggy has received my letter.
6. I will finish the project by tomorrow.
7. He was taking a shower when I called him.
8. She has to call her mother tonight.

1. This picture was took by Lucy.
2. Were the music enjoyed by the audience?
3. These dishes washed by his son.
4. When will the announcement publish?
5. Has Narnia seen by you?

1. The car was sold by me last week.
2. A gift was sent to me by my sister last month.
3. Five novels were written by Cathy.
4. My cat is loved by me.
5. My letter has been received by Peggy.
6. The project will be finished by me by tomorrow.
7. A shower was being taken by him when he was called by me.
8. Her mother has to be called by her tonight.

1. took --> taken
2. Were --> Was
3. washed --> were washed
4. publish --> be published
5. Has Narnia seen --> Has Narnia been seen


Originally from

.分類:語言-英文2008/01/24 18:40

ex:I'm thinking about what I should do. 我在想我該做什麼。
ex:Now I want to know what I should do. 現在我想知道我能做什麼。
2.形容詞子句:whose、when、where、why、for which。(利用代名詞連結句子,並說明原因。)

3.副詞子句:表時間(before),原因(because),地點(where),目的(in order),方式(as),條件(unless),結果(so that),比較(more than)。
ex:Then I will go out in order that I don't disturb you. 那麼我將出去為了不打擾你。


ex:There is an apple on the table. 桌子上有一個蘋果。(表現在發生的動作/狀態/想法/情感/能力/特徵)

ex:Summer follows spring. 春去夏來。(表真理或客觀事實)

ex:The boy often reads books after school. 這個男孩經常在放學放讀書。(表經常性動作,常與頻率副詞連用)

*頻率副詞:every day, often, always, usually, sometimes


ex:I ate an apple just now. 我剛吃過一個蘋果。

ex:I ate an apple yesterday morning. 我昨天早上吃了個蘋果。
  (三)簡單未來式:表示未來發生的動作(狀態)。(shall/will/be goint to+原形動詞)

ex:I will eat an apple. 我將要吃一個蘋果。

ex:I will go to school as soon as I finish eating. 我一吃完飯就去上學。(由when, before, as soon as等連結的時間子句和由if等引導的子句中)

  (一)現在進行式:表示正在進行的動作(狀態)。(am/are/is+ V-ing)

ex:I am eating an apple. 我正在吃一個蘋果。
  (二)過去進行式:表示過去某一時刻正在進行的動作(狀態)。(was/were+ V-ing)

ex:I was eating an apple when Mary came in. 瑪麗進來時我正在吃蘋果。
  (三)未來進行式:表示未來某一時刻正在進行的動作(狀態)。(shall/will+be+ V-ing)

ex:I will be eating the second apple at 1:55 this afternoon. 今天下午1:55的時候我將正在吃第二個蘋果。



ex:I have eaten an apple. 我已經吃了一個蘋果。
ex:He has been here for three days. 他到這裡三天了。

ex:I had eaten an apple when I went out to play. 出去玩之前我已經吃了蘋果。

ex:By 2 o'clock this afternoon, I will have eaten two apples. 今天下午兩點之前,我將吃完兩個蘋果。
ex:I shall have watched the movie twice if I go to the cinema again. 如果我再去一次電影院,我就看本片兩次了。


ex:I have been waiting for another apple for about 2 hours. 我已經等著吃另一個蘋果有兩個小時了。

ex:She had been crying for one hour before her mother came. 她媽媽回來以前她已經哭了一個小時。

ex:I will have been waiting for 3 hours when the train finally arrives. 火車到來時我將已經等候三個小時了。