2008年11月5日 星期三

httrack - web site copier

Some examples
httrack www.someweb.com/bob/
mirror site www.someweb.com/bob/ and only this site
==> The above command is work for me. But for some web site (http://samba.org/ftp/unpacked/junkcode/), it will not able to get the data from that site. Until now I don't know the real reason.

httrack www.someweb.com/bob/ www.anothertest.com/mike/ +*.com/*.jpg -mime:application/*
mirror the two sites together (with shared links) and accept any .jpg files on .com

httrack www.someweb.com/bob/bobby.html +* -r6
means get all files starting from bobby.html, with 6 link-depth, and possibility of
going everywhere on the web

httrack www.someweb.com/bob/bobby.html --spider -P proxy.myhost.com:8080
runs the spider on www.someweb.com/bob/bobby.html using a proxy

httrack --update
updates a mirror in the current folder

will bring you to the interactive mode

httrack --continue
continues a mirror in the current folder
